Leading Group Office on Guarding Against Evil Cult and Handling Evil Cult Problems of Party Committee of Division 49

China Aid Association
Document on Guarantees and Responsibilities on Anti Evil Cult Campaign
In view of the current situation in fighting the cults in the corps, divisions, and municipalities, and in accordance with the relevant documents from the corps, divisions, and municipalities, we should do a good job in anti-cult efforts in the areas under our jurisdiction so as to “prevent cult-related troubles from happening in the first place” and ensure the long-term political and social stability in our division, we have hereby drawn up this document on responsibilities:
All the relatives of Christian believers have the responsibilities and obligations to help, educate, and try to reform these believers.
Relatives of Christian believers should watch for activities of the Christian believers and know the state of their thoughts at all times.
Relatives of the Christian believers must guarantee that the Christian believers do not participate in any form of gatherings at any venue.
The relatives must make sure that the Christian believers do not go out of town to establish ties with each other, engage in homily, gatherings, petitions, demonstrations, or exchange certain books, pictures, photos, and other audio/video materials. Whoever finds the above-mentioned activities must take resolute measures to stop them and report it to Office 610 of the division or the division’s Leading Group Office on Guarding Against Cults and Handling Cult Problems (division’s Office on Political and Judiciary Affairs)
If the relatives of the Christian believers fail to supervise the Christians in a strict way, fail to help vigorously, or fail to take proper measures in managing these people and the situation gets out of control as the result of Christian believers engaging in the activities described above in Clause 4, the relative shall write a self-examination and self-criticism report if he or she is a Party member. He or she will then be severely punished pursuant to the relevant policies, laws, and legal codes of the organizational departments. If the relative is an ordinary employee, her or his employment shall be suspended on a temporary basis so that she or he can try to do a better job in helping to  educate their relatives until they become good citizens again. In the meantime, these employees who are relatives of Christians should be severely punished pursuant to relevant policies and laws.
  Guarantor:                                                                             Person under supervision of the guarantor:
—Office 610 of the Party Committee of Division 49
—Leading Group Office on Guarding Against Evil Cult and Handling Evil Cult Problems of Party Committee of Division 49
—Office for Political and Judiciary Affairs of Division 49
June 2007

China Aid Contacts
Rachel Ritchie, English Media Director
Cell: (432) 553-1080 | Office: 1+ (888) 889-7757 | Other: (432) 689-6985
Email: [email protected] 
Website: www.chinaaid.org

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Leading Group Office on Guarding Against Evil Cult and Handling Evil Cult Problems of Party Committee of Division 49

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