Prayers for the persecuted Cornerstone Reformed Church

Photo: Pastor Wan Changchun of Cornerstone Reformed Church with his wife and three children (ChinaAid source)

(Hefei, Anhui province) Cornerstone Reformed Church asked for prayer regarding their detained pastor and members.

Prayers for the persecuted

The church released five prayer requests about Pastor Wan Changchun, Elder Xue Shaoqiang, and Wan Chunqin.

  1. Please pray to God to be with arrested co-workers. Protect their body, mind, and spirit, and use them as vessels to bless people around them.
  2. Please pray for God to comfort their family members and to care for their elderly parents and young children. Bless them with heavenly peace and joy.
  3. Please pray for God to prevent interrogated brothers and sisters from being disturbed and frightened. May they keep their conscientiousness, honesty, and wisdom.
  4. Please pray for God to raise more brothers and sisters to sacrifice for God and build churches according to God’s will.
  5. Please pray God to show mercy on people handling the case so they will act with justice and awe, instead of disregarding house church history.


On April 11th, the Bengbu Public Security Bureau arrested Pastor Wan Changchun on suspicion of “illegal business operations.” After his arrest, elder Xue Shaoqiang, co-worker Wan Chunqin, and another male Christian were arrested one after another under the same charge. Yuhui District People’s Procuratorate changed the official indictment one month later to fraud. Not only that, they also charged Pastor Wan Changchun’s wife You Xiulin with fraud. Pastor Wan is held in Bengbu Renhe Detention Center.

You Xiulin

After Pastor Wan was arrested in April, his wife You Xiulin was taken to the police station. She previously sent out a public prayer letter and revealed details about her husband’s arrest. You also mentioned her family’s bank cards were confiscated. After she posted the letter, police forced her into “residential surveillance at a designated location” (RSDL). They threatened her not to post anything on the Internet or to communicate with any fellow Christians in any way. If she did, they would arrest her.


~Ningmeng, ChinaAid Special Reporter


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Prayers for the persecuted Cornerstone Reformed Church

Photo: Pastor Wan Changchun of Cornerstone Reformed Church with his wife and three children (ChinaAid source)

(Hefei, Anhui province) Cornerstone Reformed Church asked for prayer regarding their detained pastor and members.

Prayers for the persecuted

The church released five prayer requests about Pastor Wan Changchun, Elder Xue Shaoqiang, and Wan Chunqin.

  1. Please pray to God to be with arrested co-workers. Protect their body, mind, and spirit, and use them as vessels to bless people around them.
  2. Please pray for God to comfort their family members and to care for their elderly parents and young children. Bless them with heavenly peace and joy.
  3. Please pray for God to prevent interrogated brothers and sisters from being disturbed and frightened. May they keep their conscientiousness, honesty, and wisdom.
  4. Please pray for God to raise more brothers and sisters to sacrifice for God and build churches according to God’s will.
  5. Please pray God to show mercy on people handling the case so they will act with justice and awe, instead of disregarding house church history.


On April 11th, the Bengbu Public Security Bureau arrested Pastor Wan Changchun on suspicion of “illegal business operations.” After his arrest, elder Xue Shaoqiang, co-worker Wan Chunqin, and another male Christian were arrested one after another under the same charge. Yuhui District People’s Procuratorate changed the official indictment one month later to fraud. Not only that, they also charged Pastor Wan Changchun’s wife You Xiulin with fraud. Pastor Wan is held in Bengbu Renhe Detention Center.

You Xiulin

After Pastor Wan was arrested in April, his wife You Xiulin was taken to the police station. She previously sent out a public prayer letter and revealed details about her husband’s arrest. You also mentioned her family’s bank cards were confiscated. After she posted the letter, police forced her into “residential surveillance at a designated location” (RSDL). They threatened her not to post anything on the Internet or to communicate with any fellow Christians in any way. If she did, they would arrest her.


~Ningmeng, ChinaAid Special Reporter


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