Pastor John Cao’s Prayer on the Anniversary of the Mayflower Church’s Arrival in America

Reflections from Pastor John Cao is a series of poetry and writings from the recently released Chinese Christian prisoner of conscience exclusively published by ChinaAid. The piece below was written on April 7, 2024 and has been minimally edited for clarity. To read more of Pastor John Cao’s poetry, one can purchase the collection written while he was imprisoned, Living Lyrics: Poems from Prison.


Dear Lord Jesus, today is a special day. A year ago, when a group of your children were walking through the valley of the shadow of death, they cried out to you, and you promptly extended your right hand and rescued them from the deep waters and scorching fire, just as the Israelites walked out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea, passing through the water with you by their side. The water did not overwhelm them, and their hair did not get wet. They walked through the fire, and the flames did not burn them. You answered the prayers of your children, and your children arrived at America safely. They have reached the green pasture and can now enjoy your spring and autumn rains to the fullest.


Four hundred years ago, a group of your children, in order to freely enjoy your grace, pursue your truth, and freely spread your gospel, sailed across the ocean, enduring hardships, and reached the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. At the moment they arrived at the green pasture, they collectively made a covenant with the Lord Jesus to proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus in order not to forget the Lord’s calling and to always remember the mission on their shoulders. They did not fail this covenant in their lifetime. Their descendants also did not fail this covenant. Today, that land has become the world’s largest gospel base.


Today, a group of your children from China have also embarked on the path of seeking grace. They have also obtained your grace and safely arrived at the green pasture. Today marks the first anniversary of their arrival at the green pasture. On one hand, they are grateful; on the other hand, they seek greater grace. This grace is not only about gaining freedom and material abundance but also about entering more deeply into your life, just like the apostles Peter and Paul. When they deeply received the Lord’s grace, they were willing to abandon the world and offer their lives as living sacrifices. I believe this group of your children from China have already made the Mayflower Covenant before you, and they are willing to completely dedicate their lives to you. Lord, give them strength. On their path to sanctification, the devil Satan will certainly attack them with redoubled efforts. In the past, the devil persecuted them; now, the devil will use other tricks, such as comfort, enjoyment, fame, and fortune, to tempt them, to make them forget that in their homeland, there are still many preachers and pastors experiencing fiery trials, to make them forget that in their homeland, there are still countless people bound by evil spirits, to make them forget the Lord Jesus’ calling. Lord, give them wisdom and strength to discern the devil Satan’s tricks and overcome the devil Satan’s attacks. Lord, give them strength so that they will not stop their forward steps. In the future, they can go to Southeast Asia, go to Africa, go to Ukraine, and go to Moscow. Wherever there is darkness, there will be their presence. Their descendants will also be able to carry on the calling of their ancestors. This is the purpose of the Lord’s calling for them to move towards freedom. Lord, give us the strength not to fail the Lord’s grace and calling. The Mayflower is not a refuge, but a battle; not an escape, but an advance; not timidity, but courage; not indulgence, but complete dedication. Escape has an end, but spreading the gospel has no end.


On this special day, may the Lord give us a wonderful time to remember the Mayflower of four hundred years ago, to remember the missionaries and martyrs persecuted by the Boxers, to remember the predecessors such as Wang Mingdao, Watchman Nee, and Samuel Lamb, and to remember the path taken by a group of your children from China over the past three years and one year. After the remembrance celebration, let us continue to move forward along the footsteps of the saints until we see the Lord’s face.


We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.


I also composed the following poem in celebration of this special day:


After the storm, the grass is green,

The sheep lie down, no longer startled.

Joy remains, yet thoughts turn to Shu[1],

Perseverance continues, treading on thin ice[2].

Prayers at five o’clock transform the world[3],

Feet spanning the whole world, filled with heroic spirit.

On the bumpy road, a covenant is made[4],

Feeling the empowering words of the Holy Spirit.



  1. Refer to the story of emperor Liu Shan from “the “Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms”. When his rival was planning to invade his kingdom Shu, he was unconcerned and indulged in a life of pleasure instead of thinking about Shu and taking actions. Christians cannot be like him. We must remember our responsibilities and spread the gospel.
  2. “Treading on thin ice” refers to doing God’s work with great care and caution.
  3. “Prayers” refers to the sound of prayers. “Transform” means to change.
  4. The Mayflower encountered rough seas, and the ancestors made a covenant with God.


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Pastor John Cao’s Prayer on the Anniversary of the Mayflower Church’s Arrival in America

Reflections from Pastor John Cao is a series of poetry and writings from the recently released Chinese Christian prisoner of conscience exclusively published by ChinaAid. The piece below was written on April 7, 2024 and has been minimally edited for clarity. To read more of Pastor John Cao’s poetry, one can purchase the collection written while he was imprisoned, Living Lyrics: Poems from Prison.


Dear Lord Jesus, today is a special day. A year ago, when a group of your children were walking through the valley of the shadow of death, they cried out to you, and you promptly extended your right hand and rescued them from the deep waters and scorching fire, just as the Israelites walked out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea, passing through the water with you by their side. The water did not overwhelm them, and their hair did not get wet. They walked through the fire, and the flames did not burn them. You answered the prayers of your children, and your children arrived at America safely. They have reached the green pasture and can now enjoy your spring and autumn rains to the fullest.


Four hundred years ago, a group of your children, in order to freely enjoy your grace, pursue your truth, and freely spread your gospel, sailed across the ocean, enduring hardships, and reached the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. At the moment they arrived at the green pasture, they collectively made a covenant with the Lord Jesus to proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus in order not to forget the Lord’s calling and to always remember the mission on their shoulders. They did not fail this covenant in their lifetime. Their descendants also did not fail this covenant. Today, that land has become the world’s largest gospel base.


Today, a group of your children from China have also embarked on the path of seeking grace. They have also obtained your grace and safely arrived at the green pasture. Today marks the first anniversary of their arrival at the green pasture. On one hand, they are grateful; on the other hand, they seek greater grace. This grace is not only about gaining freedom and material abundance but also about entering more deeply into your life, just like the apostles Peter and Paul. When they deeply received the Lord’s grace, they were willing to abandon the world and offer their lives as living sacrifices. I believe this group of your children from China have already made the Mayflower Covenant before you, and they are willing to completely dedicate their lives to you. Lord, give them strength. On their path to sanctification, the devil Satan will certainly attack them with redoubled efforts. In the past, the devil persecuted them; now, the devil will use other tricks, such as comfort, enjoyment, fame, and fortune, to tempt them, to make them forget that in their homeland, there are still many preachers and pastors experiencing fiery trials, to make them forget that in their homeland, there are still countless people bound by evil spirits, to make them forget the Lord Jesus’ calling. Lord, give them wisdom and strength to discern the devil Satan’s tricks and overcome the devil Satan’s attacks. Lord, give them strength so that they will not stop their forward steps. In the future, they can go to Southeast Asia, go to Africa, go to Ukraine, and go to Moscow. Wherever there is darkness, there will be their presence. Their descendants will also be able to carry on the calling of their ancestors. This is the purpose of the Lord’s calling for them to move towards freedom. Lord, give us the strength not to fail the Lord’s grace and calling. The Mayflower is not a refuge, but a battle; not an escape, but an advance; not timidity, but courage; not indulgence, but complete dedication. Escape has an end, but spreading the gospel has no end.


On this special day, may the Lord give us a wonderful time to remember the Mayflower of four hundred years ago, to remember the missionaries and martyrs persecuted by the Boxers, to remember the predecessors such as Wang Mingdao, Watchman Nee, and Samuel Lamb, and to remember the path taken by a group of your children from China over the past three years and one year. After the remembrance celebration, let us continue to move forward along the footsteps of the saints until we see the Lord’s face.


We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.


I also composed the following poem in celebration of this special day:


After the storm, the grass is green,

The sheep lie down, no longer startled.

Joy remains, yet thoughts turn to Shu[1],

Perseverance continues, treading on thin ice[2].

Prayers at five o’clock transform the world[3],

Feet spanning the whole world, filled with heroic spirit.

On the bumpy road, a covenant is made[4],

Feeling the empowering words of the Holy Spirit.



  1. Refer to the story of emperor Liu Shan from “the “Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms”. When his rival was planning to invade his kingdom Shu, he was unconcerned and indulged in a life of pleasure instead of thinking about Shu and taking actions. Christians cannot be like him. We must remember our responsibilities and spread the gospel.
  2. “Treading on thin ice” refers to doing God’s work with great care and caution.
  3. “Prayers” refers to the sound of prayers. “Transform” means to change.
  4. The Mayflower encountered rough seas, and the ancestors made a covenant with God.


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