“Religious belief” survey form sent to Shandong students and family

Photo: Religious belief survey form in Shandong Province (ChinaAid source)

(Shandong Province) Recently, Shandong province sent out a religious belief survey form to K-12 families. The form inquired about students’ and family members’ religious beliefs.

Personal survey

The survey form contains questions for students, including basic information like name, class, and address. However, it also asks about their religious beliefs, when the student became a believer and their reason for becoming a believer. The questions don’t end there. Questions continue, asking children where they meet for religious gatherings, the frequency of the meetings, and the student’s attitude towards religious beliefs.

Each question requires detailed answers. Students are not the only ones filling out the form either. Every close family member must answer similar questions, like basic information and whether they attend religious gatherings. All of these questions will be used to further persecute all religious minorities in Shandong

Religious education in China

This survey is the Chinese government’s continued campaign against citizen’s religious freedom. Not only does the Communist Party strangle religious belief in public schools, but it also seeks to eliminate Christian education. Authorities arrested five leaders of Shengjia Church because they operated a Christian school. Meanwhile, school principal Xu Feng has been in prison for over two years. During this time, he has been malnourished and developed skin conditions.

~Ningmeng, Special Reporter for ChinaAid

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Fight for religious freedom in China

“Religious belief” survey form sent to Shandong students and family

Photo: Religious belief survey form in Shandong Province (ChinaAid source)

(Shandong Province) Recently, Shandong province sent out a religious belief survey form to K-12 families. The form inquired about students’ and family members’ religious beliefs.

Personal survey

The survey form contains questions for students, including basic information like name, class, and address. However, it also asks about their religious beliefs, when the student became a believer and their reason for becoming a believer. The questions don’t end there. Questions continue, asking children where they meet for religious gatherings, the frequency of the meetings, and the student’s attitude towards religious beliefs.

Each question requires detailed answers. Students are not the only ones filling out the form either. Every close family member must answer similar questions, like basic information and whether they attend religious gatherings. All of these questions will be used to further persecute all religious minorities in Shandong

Religious education in China

This survey is the Chinese government’s continued campaign against citizen’s religious freedom. Not only does the Communist Party strangle religious belief in public schools, but it also seeks to eliminate Christian education. Authorities arrested five leaders of Shengjia Church because they operated a Christian school. Meanwhile, school principal Xu Feng has been in prison for over two years. During this time, he has been malnourished and developed skin conditions.

~Ningmeng, Special Reporter for ChinaAid

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